The Hackney and Newham History Social Club

The Hackney and Newham History Social Club. History told by the people who make it.

Listen to our launch episode

We would love to hear from you!

If you have any feedback, questions or suggestions, email our production team:

Tamsin (producer):

Carina (production assistant):

Listen Here!

Join Us!

We have an over-55s group of volunteers who are involved in oral history gathering and creating The Hackney and Newham History Social Club podcast. If you have a connection to Newham or Hackney and have an interest in the history and heritage of our boroughs, come join us:

Email, telling us a little about yourself, with the subject line ‘History Social Club’ and we’ll be touch.

Email if you have an idea for a story and to join the Voices of Change team.

Paid Opportunities

If you are interested in paid opportunities visit our Job Opportunities page.

Job Opportunities