What people have been saying
“It’s a soothing situation to be put in. There's a cup of tea, there's a biscuit. There's friendly faces. Let's just chat. Yeah, discover things about each other because I think through all that lockdown, a lot of us have forgotten how to be curious.’’
“I think this space is a safe space to believe and feel vulnerable, and this is not common. No, it's not common and it really requires communication, authenticity and imagination.’’
"(WYS)…inspired me so much and spread so much positivity and created an environment where us women could express ourselves so comfortably. The experience also allowed me to step outside my comfort zone with the role play and drama tasks and I do feel more confident in that area."
WYS Participant
"You have made my learning and creativity get the better of me…"
WYS Participant
"It really prompted me to embrace my femininity more and I’ve just learnt so much…"
WYS Participant