Indie Project (Ages 25+ for those with SEND)
A safe and fun environment for those with special educational needs and disabilities
The Indie Project is a year-round programme of workshops for young adults (aged 25 to early 30s) with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).
The Indie Project is an inclusive, supportive environment for participants to develop their life-skills, learn about and discuss well-being, health and other issues through the medium of theatre.
The Indie Project:
• develops and maintain participants’ physical and mental well-being, builds confidence and friendships
• provides an inclusive and welcoming environment to combat loneliness and isolation
• offers AQA qualifications to build self-esteem
• provides support for those seeking employment, helping them to develop experience through volunteering and work placement opportunities
• raises awareness in the wider community of disability discrimination and hate crime
• signposts participants to other suitable activities.
We are developing partnerships with the local volunteering and Job Centre, identifying progression routes for participants.
We are currently supporting participants to create CVs and personal statements.
Some group members have had interviews and have been employed at a local swimming pool. Another travelled to Berlin where she was part of a team delivering inclusivity training in the media industry. One participant interviewed actor Michael Sheen with the BBC on 1 March 2024.
Participants told us:
“Personally, I don’t think people really understand what we do here, we do a lot of types of stuff; we do projects, we perform, we go into competitions, we do things that are natural to as human beings, it’s really good for our health as well. We can experience meeting people in a good social setting and stuff like that.”
“I very much enjoyed the session and enjoyed seeing everyone. I enjoyed seeing old friends and trying stop frame animation.”
Important Information
- Day
- Times
11:30AM - 2:30PM
- Location
Marie Lloyd Centre
329-331 Queensbridge Road
E8 3LA